
Welcome, welcome. Please sit down, mind you. Thank you for stumbling upon this page, and you are certainly lucky to.

Whether meal or treat food, it's fun to watch a rabbit eat in awe and paradise, especially food you make- dedicated especially to your, well, special rabbit that deserves your well-made food.

Some of these recipes are made by me, otherwise I made another variation of another recipe. If the only thing that happens when you give it the food is that it takes a small whiff and ignores it later, it is not my problem or yours. Every rabbit has a different preference, just like humans. Although the stereotypical thought of all rabbits loving carrots, (Bugs Bunny come to mind?) it doesn't apply to every. Please do not take the recipe made by me or ask. It is mine unless credited and stated otherwise.

Remember, please use common sense when it comes to recipes that are treats. Overfeeding treats will cause obesity and other problems.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Rabbit [Birthday] Cake

So we all know it's your bun-bun's special day. An year passed after she was born! You want to celebrate it, but you can't think of anything. Obviously cake, balloons, strings, muffins, cookies, and every other sweet treat on the planet is out of the question. So you came on the computer and thought, hey, I'll search for something! Then this website pops to the 1st result and you click- "WOW, recipes for rabbits. I can definitely use this!"

Moving on to the point, this recipe does not use baking (celebrate those who don't have an oven!) and it's easy (celebrate those who hate taking a long time on something!).

1 Carrot
2 Strawberries
1 Raspberry
1 Blackberry Leaf
2 Dandelions
1/2 tsp. Honey
1-3 tsp. Papaya, mashed (not the seed or skin)

* Make sure ingredients are organic and free of pesticides, insecticides, and other chemicals.

*Wash the carrot and leave wet.
1. Put all the ingredients (excluding papaya and honey) in a grinder or blender and have it mixed until the results are chopped up in small,tiny pieces. Take the mixture out and place it onto a bowl.
2. Shape it into an even circle but make sure it's still very loose, like dirt.
3. Use your finger and make a hole halfway down that is the size of a ping pong ball (which is about 1 inch around) and add in the papaya then top it with honey. After doing so, scrunch everything up and tighten it to prevent it from falling apart. Serve and watch your rabbit eat in awe with the cake's potpourri.


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